Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ohhhhh Boy!

Oh boy. What an intense week and a half it's been since I last posted! The Vols lost to both Oregon and Florida (though we put up a much better fight with the Gators than last year, and, had we played Oregon last year, we were definitely better prepared), the Titans won on Sunday, and we're playing South Alabama on Saturday and it should be a good one! I've started my packing, a lot of parting ways with favorite books, movies, clothes, etc. I have a long ways to go, but I officially leave Nashville in less than two weeks! I have started calling the Israeli Consulate yesterday about my visa and passport because I finally confirmed they had gotten it (more than two weeks ago). Today, they called me back to tell me the Jewish Agency would have it Monday, and I would have it Tuesday or Wednesday!!!

It's Sukkot which is one of my favorite holidays! I am so glad I get to spend this one with my family. I helped build it, decorate it, and of course have eaten several meals in it! I also went to a Sukkot potluck where I saw lots of people and had a great time. Cantor Lane even gave me some advice on what to do about my visa! It was really great. I also saw my fourth grade teacher and her family (who I had seen before), but her parents were there also, and her dad was in the Six Day war so we talked some about serving in the IDF. I saw my Hebrew School teacher (who I later worked with a few years ago) who is very dear to me, his wife (also a dear family friend!), and their nine-month-old son.
My family's sukkah
Saturday night Ana took me to my house and there were all these people sitting in the living room and said "Surprise!" I had been feeling kind of depressed because I have been very lonely lately, so it was lovely to see so many wonderful faces! I had known there was going to be a surprise party (I had figured it out but didn't tell my mom), but I had no idea who was coming! It was truly special. Not to mention all the wonderful things people gave me! These are gifts that are truly from the heart, folks. I got tomatoes and basil from a home garden, a "nesiyah tovah" from a non-Hebrew speaker, a painting from a three-year-old, instructions to be a "shaliach mitzvah" (the mitzvah was to have a good time!), three wonderful cards/notes, a very special travel mezuzah (which I thought was for a car, but is actually a necklace!), and the gift of all the people who came to show their love and support (and who managed to keep it secret better than my mom! She was the one who unknowingly gave it away haha). It really took my mind off waiting for my visa/passport, and showed me that I have lots of people who love me, even if they had to miss the party! I still have no idea who was invited, but yesterday when I went into work one of my coworkers asked how the party was and that she was sorry she missed it! I feel so blessed to have all these people sending me well wishes when I'm in Israel.

Of course, this happened when I posted my thanks of Facebook:
"When are you going to come clean & confess it's all a joke? This has gone far enough!"
Which reminds me of how I told my mom about all this. In May, my mom and I agreed I needed a car to get around (Nashville and Knoxville aren't very pedestrian friendly). When I came back from Israel, about a week and a half later, 
Mom: Let's start talking about the car.
Shirit: Hmmm... maybe not.
M: Why not? You need a car.
S: Maybe I don't.
M: You need a car in Knoxville.
S: Well, what if I didn't go back to school?
M: What else would you do?
S: I could get a job, movetoIsrael, stay in Nashville, lots of things.
M: Wait, move to Israel?
S: Mayyybe.

From there, she spent the next month trying to call my bluff until I was ready to tell everyone, when it finally hit her.
(I would tell the story about telling my dad, but it was less funny and involved a lot more Mexican food.)

Guys, I know this move is hard on more people than just my family and me. But maybe it won't hit others until I'm gone. That's okay. It's hit me several times while other times I'm completely numb to the fact that I'm leaving the people I love. I do know that at first when I arrive in Israel, I will feel it all the time, but probably the people here will feel it off and on.

Sorry I keep going on tangents, everything is all over the place (literally, my stuff is allllll over the house) and so is my brain!!

For the non-Hebrew speakers out there:
Sukkot = Jewish holiday, hard to explain
Nesiyah tovah = have a good trip!
Shaliach Mitzvah = someone who is on a mission to do a mitzvah, such as a favor, and is therefore supposed to be under the special protection of God.
Mezuzah = also hard to explain

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