I know, I disappeared.
Since I last wrote, my mom and sister came to Israel, I visited home for a month, I moved bases four times (all in the same squad/tzevet), was on medical leave, took two courses, moved off of the kibbutz, and was honorably released from the army. That's the short version.
You can say that life caught up with me. I made a bunch of changes and decided that blogging was not for me. I needed to go outside and live life. Some weekends, I ended up sleeping less than on base because I made a whole new group of friends who have truly become my family. I wanted to invest in them. I wanted to say "yes" more. I wanted to enjoy the life I've been given. So I have. I tried to avoid posted overly personal things on this blog, and between having a richer social life and a more sensitive service (if I told you I'd have to kill you), there wasn't much to write about. I should have written sooner, and for that I'm sorry.
But I can't go as far as to say that I am sorry I haven't and most likely won't update this blog regularly.
Life is incredible.
Life is short.
And while I may have some amazing stories to tell, this blog felt like work. A lot of work. So when I got home from America and moved apartments on the kibbutz, I was kind of grateful I didn't have internet access for a while. I even considered not signing up for it at all (eventually I did, but that's not the point). I had over two months without wifi at home and it was great. And I realized that I didn't want to put in a two-three hour commitment to every blog post, and that was if I wasn't having any issues uploading photos (which I almost always did).
I digress.
So all of you are wondering... (FAQ)
Where are you living now?
-Great question! I'm living in Haifa with my two semi okay, I guess, roommates <3 <3 <3
How and why did you get released from the army?
-Plain and simple: I'm too old. I was born in '93, and that meant that I was signed on for two years, not more. I fought a request to sign more time (between six months to a year), but it wasn't successful because we ran out of time.
So what now?
-I'm officially assigned to battalion 403 in reserves, radio company, as a combat radio engineer in the communications vehicle for the artillery tanks. What that means, exactly? No idea til I get there.
Until that happens, I'm taking a year off before I go back to school (either special education--but not as a teacher--or a biology degree and nursing school). Next week I'm flying to Europe to visit Spain, France, Denmark, and Germany. In July I'll be in the States, and in August I will start looking for a job that is flexible enough for me to travel throughout the year, but steady enough to pay the rent.
So here's to inconsistency! The beauty of being in my 20's. See you then :)
Here's more or less what I've been up to in the last year, army-wise...
RIP Shirit's Army Service 04.2014-04.2016
On to the next adventure!!!
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