Sunday, October 6, 2013

All Grown Up

Word of the day:
I grew up
The past week was supposed to be all about enjoying Nashville, the place where I grew up. Enjoying the sights, the places, the people. I had everything planned out, I had high expectations. I knew how I wanted everything to go.
Instead, things happened, plans were cancelled, people had arguments, and general normal life that can happen to anyone anytime. I got scared a couple times and was afraid to leave.
But I stuck it out. I took everything in stride. I held my head high and adapted.
And this morning, as I get ready to say goodbye to my dad before he has to leave for his monthly week of treatment testing, I realize that I made it.
As much as I would have enjoyed the alternative, this week wasn't supposed to be about WHERE I grew up, but THAT I grew up.
That's not to say I don't have more growing to do, or that I am a full-blown adult (I like to emphasize the YOUNG part so I can get crayons at restaurants). I just mean that I passed my final test, I graduated. I'm ready to leave Nashville and I'm gonna be okay. I faced some hard stuff in the past few days, none of which I had even imagined before, and I pushed through.
Which means that I have the extraordinary honor of telling you guys that I leave Nashville today and I am just so excited!! I am writing from my phone because my laptop (and everything) is already packed up so it's going to be a little shorter. Let's get right into it:
I want to thank you, the readers, for being so awesome to me the past several weeks! This is my official last PRE-Aliyah blog post! The next time you visit my page or get yet another notification that I wrote a new post, it will be from Israel. GET PUMPED!!! It's going to be a great ride, and I can't wait to tell y'all about the amazing experiences I will have! I guess in comparison to the next step I don't have a whole lot to say except thank you to my readers, all my teachers (school or otherwise), my friends, my family, everyone who helped me get here! This evening I start my three day journey to the holy land and it's all because of every one of you. I have a philosophy that not only does everything happen for a reason, but I believe that if any one thing had been different up to any point in my life, I would not be where or who I was at that point. And today is the best proof I have. Despite many setbacks and frustrations, I am still here, bags packed, ready to move to Israel, my new home. So one more time before I go, thank you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

P.S. It is with grief I tell you that UT lost to Georgia yesterday by a FIELDGOAL (3 points) in overtime. Vols are 3-3.

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