Those of us in Totchanim Aug '14 are less than three weeks away from the end of our maslul (training period). Most of the battalions have finished months ago, but the actual pin ceremony is in a couple weeks. My tzevet started final exams last week, when half had a regila (week off), and this week we are on a regila while the other half takes their first exam. I didn't know most of the material at the start of the week, but turns out I got a 90! I studied almost every waking minute. I just hope it's enough to pass the upcoming exams. But the ceremony is one of the coolest ceremonies in the IDF, where we get to show off our stuff.
It's been a long time coming (well, not as long as special forces training). We've been through so much. Between six+ weeks of shetach, four weeks of shmirah, six masaot, at least four endurance nights, countless hours of classes and tests, a kumta, and a pin, we have been through a lot. But we are almost done, some of us on to commander's school, medic's course, or (like me) regular service (for now). It's going to be bittersweet but fortunately at least within my gdud people are tight and it isn't hard to keep in touch. The hard part is not knowing what happens next. None of us have a clue about what will happen come March, when today's tironim start imun mitkadem, and we get new assignments. I hope it's not too crazy. From what I heard about other tzevets, I'll be happy basically anywhere I go, or if I end up staying with this group. It doesn't matter all that much, I've got friends in almost every tzevet and have met people from all over that I think are cool. And every place offers its own learning experience, so no matter what I do I will be prepared for whatever my next step will be. But first, I need to go to a wedding, see my mom and sister, and fly home!! And only then can we talk about courses for August. Stay tuned, my friends.
Well, I'm out of town for the weekend, so that's all the time I've got, but here! Pictures! (as promised)
Machane Yehuda |
Hanukkah with commander's school trainees |
Just casually carrying a hammer on the public bus |
It started to get cold |
And then got REALLY cold |
Benny Gantz |
So not interested |
So sweaty, so worth it-if you can see than little pin |
Gun delivery service |
National Space Week with the siblings |
Milky Way bubbles |
This is the face of a girl leaving for regila |